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Video Game Fan Wiki
NAME: Turbo Hose (prototype: Thirst Quinch)
SPECIES: Sea Dinosaur
VOICE: Unknown

Turbo Hose is one of the Elemental Switchers in Skylanders: Power Switch. His default element is Water.

Element Switch[]

If he switches to Magic, he will shoot cola and ingame, his color scheme will be pink.

If he switches to Earth, he will shoot cofee and ingame, his color scheme will be maroon.

If he switches to Fire, he will shoot lava and ingame, his color scheme will be red.

If he switches to Tech, he will shoot gingerale and ingame, his color scheme will be green.

If he switches to Life, he will shoot tomato paste and ingame, his color scheme will be orange.

If he switches to Undead, he will shoot dark magic potion liquid and ingame, his color scheme will be purple.

If he switches to Air, he will shoot sparkly water (not pure liquid like his default element). Also, his color scheme is navy blue ingame.


  • His design is similar to Snap Shot but his snout is shorter than Snap Shot's snout.
  • He has a dark and bold Australian accent.